Smartphone as Remote Control: Apptui

as a person who does presentation a lot, one must realize the importance of being able to walk around without coming back to your laptop to switch between pages. You can either spend $30+ buying a remote control and carry that with you whenever you present. Or you can simply leverage the most powerful and convenient device everyone has – your smartphone.

There are currently many apps already in the market. I took a quick look at the app store and found several free applications. However, the one that I love the most is the application called Apptui.

ou have to first install the app on your smartphone with a helper launcher on your laptop. Then you are free to go.

You basically can do anything your mouse and keyboard does. And the application has some customized GUI based on the app you are using. Like you are using powerpoint, browser, grooveshark…etc.

However, there is one feature that is missing is you can not easily use your smartphone to switch between apps. And you cannot take note/draw staff on the presentation – unless you bundle a laser gun with your iphone :).

In the end, I am really happy with this software.

SQOOP – Teradata Manager Factory

Sqoop is a useful tool inside the hadoop stack which will move data from traditional relation database (mysql, oracle, teradata..) to hdfs (hive) and vice versa.

However, to correctly set up the driver for teradata, you need to use the cloudera teradata connector to make it work.

If you are using Cloudera Manager, in the perfect world, it might just be a few clicks, download the teradata connector parcel, distribute, deploy and activate. However, if you are living in a slightly different world, like me(cloudera manager is not working properly, you run into the error like manager factory cannot find the right class.). I had to manually create a folder named “manager.d” and place a configuration file under it which point the class to the right location of the teradata connetor jar file.

Please check out this short documentation – Cloudera Connector for Teradata

