sklearn.emsemble Gradient Boosting Tree

After we spent the previous few posts looking into decision trees, now is the time to see a few powerful ensemble methods built on top of decision trees. One of the most applicable ones is the gradient boosting tree. You can read more about ensemble from the sklearn ensemble user guide., this post will focus on reading the source code of gradient boosting implementation which is based at

As introduced in the file docstring.

Gradient Boosted Regression Trees
This module contains methods for fitting gradient boosted regression trees for
both classification and regression.
The module structure is the following:
– The “BaseGradientBoosting“ base class implements a common “fit“ method
for all the estimators in the module. Regression and classification
only differ in the concrete “LossFunction“ used.
– “GradientBoostingClassifier“ implements gradient boosting for
classification problems.
– “GradientBoostingRegressor“ implements gradient boosting for
regression problems.
Almost the first thousand lines of code are all deprecated loss functions which got moved to the, which we can skip for now.
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So let’s start by reading the BaseGradientBoosting class. The very majority of the inputs/attributes to BaseGradientBoosting are inputs to the decision tree also, and the ones that are not present in the BaseDecisionTree are actually the key elements for understanding GradientBoosting.
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Now let’s take a look at the methods too.
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__check_params is the basic checker to make sure the inputs/attributes are within the reasonable range and raise error if not.
__init_state, _clear_state, _resize_state and _is_initialized are all related to the lifecycle of states. One thing to watch out is that there are three key data structures to store the state, “estimators”, “train_score” and “oob (out of bag) improvements”. They all have the same number of rows as the number of estimators in which each row stores the metrics related to each estimator, and for the “estimators_”, each column stores the state for that particular class.
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All the methods except “fit”, “apply” and “feature_importance” are intended as internal methods not being used by the end-users, hence, prefixed by a single underscore.


Apply trees in the ensemble to X, return leaf indices

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_validate_X_predict is the internal method for the class BaseDecisionTree which checks the data types and shapes, ensure they are compatible. Then we create an ndarray – leaves that of have as many elements as the number of input data. For each input row, there will also as many any elements as the estimators that we have established, finally, for each estimator, we will have as many classes as the prediction.

The double for loop here is basically to iterate through all the estimators and all the classes and populate the leaves variable using the apply method for the underlying estimator.


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The feature_importances_ method first use a double for loop list comprehension to iterate through all the estimators and all the trees built within each stage. This is the very first time the term “stage” got introduced probably in this post.  However, we have covered very briefly of the estimators_ attribute above in which each element represent one estimator. Then we can easily draw the conclusion that each stage is sort of representative of one estimator. In fact, that is how boosting works as indicated in the user guide –

“The train error at each iteration is stored in the train_score_ attribute of the gradient boosting model. The test error at each iterations can be obtained via the staged_predict method which returns a generator that yields the predictions at each stage. Plots like these can be used to determine the optimal number of trees (i.e. n_estimators) by early stopping. The plot on the right shows the feature importances which can be obtained via the feature_importances_ property.”

It is then literally the algorithmic average for the feature importance across all the relevant trees. Just as a friendly reminder, the compute_feature_importance method appear at the _tree.pyx method which is as below:

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“fit” method is THE most important method of the, as it is calling lots of other internal methods which we will first introduce two short methods before we dive into its own implementation:

_raw_predict_init and _raw_predict

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These methods are used jointly to generate the raw predictions given inputs matrix X and the returned value is also a matrix of shape that has the same number of rows as the input matrix and the same number of columns as the class types. The idea is very simple but this part is the core of the boosting process as boosting in nature is this constant iterations of doing predictions, calculate error, correct it and then doing this again. Hence, the predict_stages are implemented in high performance Cython.

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predict_stages iterate through all the estimators and all the classes and generate the predictions from the tree. This part of the code probably will deserve its own post explaining but let’s put a pin here and stop at these Cython code knowing that there is something complex going on here doing some predictions “really fast”.

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The fit method starts by checking the inputs of the X and ys. After that, it has some logic carving out the validation set which is driven by a technique called stratify.

You can find more about stratify or cross validation from this Stackoverflow question or the user guide directly. Meanwhile, knowing has some mechanism of splitting the data is all you need to understand the following code.

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Gradient Boosting Classifier and Regressor

After the BaseGradientBoosting class got introduced, they extend it slightly to the classifier and regressor which the end-user can utilize directly.

The main difference between these two is the loss functions being used. For regressor, it is the ls, lad, huber or quantile while the loss function for the classifier is the deviance or exponential loss functions.

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Now, we can covered pretty much the whole which we covered the how the relevant classes related to gradientboosting got implemented and at the same time owed a great amount of technical debt which I list here for few deeper dives in case the readers are interested.

  • loss functions
  • cross validation – stratify
  • Cython in place predict

Python Remove Comment – Tokenize

Today while I was doing some code review, I want to gauge the amount of effort by estimating how many lines of code there is. For example, if you are at the root folder of some Python library, like flask, you can easily count the number of lines in each file:

(python37) $ wc -l flask/*
      60 flask/
      15 flask/
     145 flask/
    2450 flask/
     569 flask/
      65 flask/
     137 flask/

    7703 total

However, when you open up one of the files, you realize the very majority of the content are either docstrings or comments and the code review isn’t quite as intimidating as it looks like at a first glance.

Then you ask yourself the question, how to strip out the comments and docstrings and count the effective lines of code. I didn’t manage to find a satisfying answer on Stackoverflow but came across this little snippet of gist from Github by BroHui.

At the beginning, I was thinking an approach like basic string manipulation like regular expression but the author totally leverage the built-in libraries to take advantage of lexical analysis. I have actually never used these two libraries – token and tokenize before so it turned out to be a great learning experience.

First, let’s take a look at what a token is.

TokenInfo(type=1 (NAME), string='import', start=(16, 0), end=(16, 6), line='import requests\n')
TokenInfo(type=1 (NAME), string='requests', start=(16, 7), end=(16, 15), line='import requests\n')
TokenInfo(type=4 (NEWLINE), string='\n', start=(16, 15), end=(16, 16), line='import requests\n')

For example, one line of python import code got parsed and broken down into different word/token. Each token info not only contain the basic token type, but also contains the physical location of the token start/end with the row and column count.

After understanding tokenization, it won’t be too hard to draw the connection between how to identify comment and docstring and how to deal with those. For comment, it is pretty straightforward and we can identify it by the token type COMMENT-55. For docstring, it is actually a string within its own line/lines of code without any other elements rather than indentations.

Keep in mind that we are parsing through tokens one by one, you really need to retain the original content after your work.

Frankly speaking, I cannot wrap my head around the flags that the author used to keep track of the previous_token and the first two if statement cases. However, I don’t think that matter that much so let’s keep note of it and focus on the application.

""" Strip comments and docstrings from a file.
import sys, token, tokenize
def do_file(fname):
""" Run on just one file.
source = open(fname)
mod = open(fname + ",strip", "w")
prev_toktype = token.INDENT
first_line = None
last_lineno = -1
last_col = 0
tokgen = tokenize.generate_tokens(source.readline)
for toktype, ttext, (slineno, scol), (elineno, ecol), ltext in tokgen:
if 0: # Change to if 1 to see the tokens fly by.
print("%10s %-14s %-20r %r" % (
tokenize.tok_name.get(toktype, toktype),
"%d.%d-%d.%d" % (slineno, scol, elineno, ecol),
ttext, ltext
if slineno > last_lineno:
last_col = 0
if scol > last_col:
mod.write(" " * (scol – last_col))
if toktype == token.STRING and prev_toktype == token.INDENT:
# Docstring
elif toktype == tokenize.COMMENT:
# Comment
prev_toktype = toktype
last_col = ecol
last_lineno = elineno
if __name__ == '__main__':

Here I created a small quote sample with test docstrings and comment in blue.

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This is the output of tokenization and I also helped highlighted the lines that interest us. Screen Shot 2019-11-26 at 10.24.46 PM

This is the final output after the parsing. However, you might want to completely remove the comments or even make it more compact by removing blank lines. We can either modify the code above by replacing mod.write with pass and also identify “NL” and remove them completely.

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AWS – RESTful API – Part II API Gateway

This is the part II of building a RESTful API using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. If you have not read the first post, check it out here. In this post, I will share how to get use the Lambda function that we have created in the previous section and create a publicly visible endpoint from there.

Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST and WebSocket APIs at any scale

You can refer to the user guide of AWS API Gateway from here, very great content from the developers of AWS.


First of all,  first we need to create an API name. The default is very good but as you can see, it also support websocket when you need APIs for streaming near real time data – video, audio. And when you create API, you can also import from different sources.

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Resource & Method

After you create an API, the next step is to create resources and methods attached to it. The resource is pretty much the suffix of the API URL, in this case, we will use “exist” so that the user knows that we are check if the keyword exist or not. Then we can pick a http method. In this case, we will use HTTP POST which we require the user to submit the URL and KEYWORD in the request body of the post request. Theoretically, we don’t have to use POST and many other methods including GET should be sufficient.

Attached is a screenshot of if we are going to create a GET method under exist on top of an existing lambda function, it should be as easy as click the drop down of the Lambda Function and it will pick up one that we created in the previous post.

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Test and Deploy

After we create the method. API Gateway will generate this diagram in which the processes got displayed to you in a visualized way. I assume that as we have more components integrated into the API Gateway, it will become more intuitive and helpful to the developers.

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In the Client block, there is a lightning sign that you can click to test the end client. I edited the request body so it contains a sample user input, a json object that contains the URL and Keyword. After you click test, it immediately responded with the right response.

Frankly speaking, it looks easy when it works. However, it did took me a while to get this part ready because I was not sure which method to use and at the same time, should I use the query strings or the request body. During my exploration, the logging on the bottom right was super helpful and by putting more logic into your logging and error handling when you develop the Lambda handler, this integration should not take long.

My lambda function has been working pretty well. It took me a few rounds of modification to the original code, rezip the environment and reupdate using the AWS CLI for a few times.


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Once my API is working, it still not available to the public until you deploy it. There are several stages which you can set up like alpha, beta, QA or production – whatever you prefer. Then it will be available to the public and you can invoke it from anywhere.

The default is that you don’t need authorization. However, in a production environment, you will need authentication and authorization using tokens or other mechanisms to make sure your API is protected. Not only because you don’t want your service to be abused by unintentional users, but also restricted the limited audience so that your users won’t spike because of bots which will directly lead to a spike in cost too for you.

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Client Test

After you deploy it, I can make an API call from my local terminal using CURL. Screen Shot 2019-11-23 at 8.24.55 PM

Now you have a public API up and running!

However, to fully explore the capability of Lambda and API Gateway, I did a pressure test by making distributed API calls without caching.

I was using the library grequest as it claims to make distributed parallelism in a truly asynchronous way. In the end, the performance was not disappointing and the latency was never outstanding. To be honest, I am not sure I have done this part right, as theoretically, my personal blog should also be flooded with this test but somehow I did not see the usage at all. I was wondering maybe the lambda function did not get fully executed. Also grequests won’t display the response but only display the response status which is a bit mysterious.

(The following code took a paragraph of my blog post, split into words, then extend the list 10 times so it has a lot of total words. Then each element will trigger a request)

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In the end, I logged into the dashboard and recognized that the usage spiked by thousands of requests which definitely came from this testing script.

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AWS Lambda pricing

AWS API Gateway Pricing 

Both of these applications’ pricing model is based on usage, usually a few pennies per million calls. So you probably should also take the pricing model into consideration to design you application. For example, if you have a large volume of traffic, how to avoid small API calls instead of batching them. Or consolidate APIs so one API is more computation-intensive, etc.

Don’t forget to delete your development environment on AWS to make sure you don’t get charged afterward.


It was a great experience for me to try out AWS Lambda and API Gateway, super straightforward to use and never have to worry about anything OS level or below. At the same time, great alternative to control the operating cost of IT project as your project virtually will cost nothing until the usage will catch up. Also, it forces you to focus your attention on the development, and also focusing on the “what” rather than the “how”. I know that AWS probably has an amazing SLA for all its services, also, by using services rather than doing it yourself, it also gives you more time/reason to unit test, battle test your own product rather than “don’t make a problem until it is a problem” because I know many teams are cautious about doing battle testing / chaos monkey on their own house of cards 🙂

AWS – RESTful API – Part I Lambda


As the Cloud providers are coming up with more and more services, the life of being a software developer just becomes easier and easier. As to get something up and running usually requires many technical aspects which one individual can hardly gain. Now many of the ground work got packaged and handled well by the cloud, usually a small team or even individuals can focus on the “coding” rather than the “administration”. In this post, I will document my first experience of leveraging AWS Lambda and API gateway to build a RESTful API, using Python.

As a Python developer, usually the go-to solution is to prototype an API using frameworks like Django or Flask. However, getting something up and running on your laptop is not sufficient. In order for any API to be online, there are many requirements like it needs to be hosted in an environment outside your laptop, logging and auditing, monitoring, load balancing, authentication and authorization and even auto scaling. It is very hard work but sometimes, actually most times not very exciting. I certainly see more people who prefers to develop new features during the day time rather than keep the lights on during the night time. Cloud providers are here to achieve the purpose of facilitating developers and take those ground work away.

In this little project, I am planning to have an API that the client can submit a URL, and check if a certain keyword exists on the page or not. Of course, you can find most of the instructions just by reading AWS Lambda’s user guide.

Hello World

First, you can start by logging into your AWS console and navigate to the page for Lambda.

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The lambda console is extremely clean, as the service itself :). The easiest place to get started is to create a function by using one of its blueprints. The sample functions range from easy ones like an echo API to complex API with hundreds of lines of code using machine learning. Hello-World-Python is a very great starting point.

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If you have used Flask or Django before, the resemblance is uncanny. The event object here in the handler is very much like the requests from flask and it stores the payload.

One thing worth highlighting is that AWS Lambda supports not only Python, but also many other languages, it even support many different versions of Python from classic 2.7 to 3.8 as the date this post was written, here is another blueprints using node.js.

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By creating a handler, you can submit and you are almost ready to go.

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Immediately, you will have a lambda function, along with Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Your print statement or even future highly customized logging events will be stored there for debugging purposes. In the bottom of the console, there is an embedded IDE in which you can do some basic development. In order to “run” your code, you can create a test case by passing in some data to test your lambda function.

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And you can check out the test result to make sure everything is fine.

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Virtual Env

For our use cases, it won’t be as simple as the hello world. As we will need to use some 3rd party libraries like requests to scrape user submitted site, parse it using a library maybe like beautifulsoup. Each programming language has its own ways of handling dependencies, the Python go-to solution is usually by creating a dedicated environment for your application, so you can pinpoint which libraries you have to use in the end. And then figure out a way to pass that the whole environment or requirements to a new environment. AWS already took this into heart and provided a good solution by using virtualenv. You can find the detailed instructions here. You basically follow the following steps:

  1. create a virtual environment
  2. develop the function there with necessary libraries installed
  3. zip the libraries along with the python function you wrote
  4. submit to lambda

My code is super simple.

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And in the end, the zip file ( is only 4.7MB. So we can upload it AS-IS, however, if your environment is a bit large, for example, if you use some heavy duty libraries like sklearn or tensorflow, you can easily exceed the limit of 50MB which then you have to use S3 to store it first.

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There are still a few configurations that you can make in the Lambda function console:

  • concurrency
  • time out in seconds
  • audit using cloudtrail
  • memory usage
  • error handling

However, you don’t have to do any of these if you don’t want to change the default.


Again, whenever you use your mouse, you know that next time you still have to do it. For example, if you are developing more future versions of the same API or even want to create more Lamda functions, logging into the console might become a bit tedious and subject to error. After a few times, you can script your workflow using AWS CLI through the command line or event using Python to call boto3 to achieve the same goal.

The installation is pretty trivial and the set up is also only one time. The first time you use AWS CLI, you do have to copy paste a few commands from the tutorial or tinker with the command line help to get all the arguments right. However, like programing, once you get it done right once, next time is just cookie cutting and can also be automated if needed.


Now we have a Lambda function just like that, however, lambda itself is not necessarily a web service yet. Lambda can be integrated into many other components within the AWS ecosystem but in the next post, we will use AWS API Gateway to put a wrapped on top of it so it becomes an endpoint that is visible to the public.